• Free delivery for orders over £30

To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.


ONE ear
BOTH ear

Pain or discomfort in the ear
Discharge from the ear canal
Outer ear or ear canal is red or swollen
Dry, flaky skin around the outer ear or ear canal
Tenderness when moving your jaw
Loss of hearing
Other - please provide information in the following question

Diagnosed or suspected of having a perforated eardrum
Significant loss of hearing in the affected ear
Facial nerve palsy (drooping of the face)
Severe ear pain
A high temperature
Severe headache
You have tried treatment for the past 7 days and the condition has not improved
You are suffering from vertigo
You have significant discharge from the ear
None of the above

Chronic ear infections.
Fungal ear infections.
Wax in your ears that requires drops or ear syringing

Please answer the following questions to help us confirm that you'll follow the guidelines for this medicine.


You have a grommet fitted (tympanostomy tube)
Perforated ear drum
Kidney and liver problem
