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Sexual Health


Sexual Health

Get Sexual Health services today!

At MedPro Clinic sexual health services are available and free to everyone regardless of their age, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

How our Sexual Health Services work

One of our pharmacists will ask you to fill in a simple form with your name and other contact details.

During the online consultation, we may ask you to provide some personal information, this helps us provide advice and guidance for your particular circumstances. This information can include:

– Your sexual and medical history
– A few details about your sex life and partner
– What kind of contraception you utilise, if any

If you wish to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) we may need a blood or urine sample. There are special cases that would require women to get a vaginal exam, which is identical to cervical screening, while men provide samples from their penis.

At MedPro clinic confidentiality is of paramount importance when it comes to personal information. This means that all the personal information you share with us, test results, and treatments received will not be shared with anyone without your express permission. This applies to your GP also.

Even if you are between the ages of 13 and 16, your information will be treated with confidentiality. Nobody in your household will be included in the process without your permission. However, you will be encouraged to consult with your parents or guardian(s).

Our team may need to involve other services if you are under 13 or we believe you are at risk of physical or sexual harm. However, you will be notified during the online consultation if that is the case.

Contraception and STI Services

At MedPro Clinic we are able to provide information and advice to you about contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These are sometimes referred to as genitourinary medicine (GUM), family planning, or sexual and reproductive health.

These services include:

– Being tested for STIs
– Getting advice on STIs and how can you can avoid them
– Getting information about available contraceptive options, including emergency contraception

You may need to book an additional online appointment for certain contraception, such as implants or IUDs (intrauterine device)

Contact us today to learn more about our Sexual Health Services

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